The fatal consequences of overexposure to industrial dusts and pollutants: pneumoconiosis and silicosis ¿Which is worse?

Category: Humidifiers
Tags: humidification system, humidifier, humidifier system, Humidifiers, Nebulizers
Environmental purification through nebulization with humidifiers

Environmental purification through nebulization with humidifiers in extraction and transformation sectors

Fogging is one of the predominant activities in any industrial and commercial sector, even at the domestic level. Whether through humidification devices or mist systems, disinfection and deep cleaning are vital to safeguard the health of workers and civilians, especially in the mining and extraction sector.

Perhaps the severity of pneumoconiosis and silicosis is largely due to the exposure times because in many cases, the diseases become serious after a certain age. At least clinically, a development has been found after the age of 50, in those miners or coal workers, after they have spent many years working in said industries.

The truth is that both conditions are deplorable in the long term for anyone, especially if the working conditions have not been the best. Breathable environments are not only due to a whim or luxury within the field of air conditioning but also to comprehensive health care. In that sense, the inclusion of humidifiers and nebulizers within any productive sector is essential in every sense.

  • It has been concluded that, for the appearance of this condition, it usually takes more than ten years of overexposure to coal dust, and it results in a black lung condition. At first, the symptoms do not appear, but as time progresses, the systematic conditions of the disease evolve to such a degree that the symptomatic symptoms will begin to take their toll on the body at a certain age. It commonly begins with coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing when exerting effort. Later, progressive fibrosis will occur, with more noticeable difficulty breathing, even when performing the simplest activities. Then there will be bluish-tinged lips and nails, as well as fluid retention in the lungs, arrhythmias and heart failure, and elongation of one side of the heart.
  • Respirable quartz silica is possibly even more toxic than coal itself, and it is not for nothing that federal laws in some countries have had to limit exposure to this mineral in the exploitation of their mines. Silica from freshly crushed quartz is even more dangerous due to the high adherence of its particles to the mucous membranes, and the smaller they are, the greater the problem will be. Generalized crystalline silicosis is commonly derived from overexposure to silica dust for more than twenty years, perhaps in quartz silicosis the exposure time is a little less. In any case, the causes of diseases are just as severe, because they not only lead to respiratory diseases but also to pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney problems, lung cancer, and cruel silicosis. This is divided into chronic, which appear after ten years of exposure. Then there is the accelerated one, similar to the chronic one, but with an onset period of five to ten years. Acute is the most harmful of all, since it appears in no more than five years, preceded by intense exposure in a certain time range. There are even cases of people who develop it in no more than a few weeks; Simply put, the worker exposed to a super toxic environment of quartz or other extraction and transformation crystals will present serious clinical symptoms, whether in their breathing, oxygen levels in the blood and fluid in the lungs.

Although there are regulations for the degrees of exposure, it is not surprising that in some places not even the slightest care is taken regarding these issues. Responsible companies in government and at the private level must be fully aware of the danger of potentially harmful respirable dust, not only in the mining sector but also in the transformation, production, and material handling, among others. Industrial nebulizers or humidifiers are the ideal systems to deal with all types of contamination, and thus, safeguard workers.

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