Humidity and temperature control to cool closed rooms at home and office
The mere use of air conditioning is not enough in the face of the waves of heat, that begin to be perceived well into spring, not to mention the heatwave season between June and August. It is even less advisable to only have a fan, which in this case, is only capable of throwing hot air into an area that is already very hot. Loved ones at home will no doubt feel those surges, as will workers in a commercial or industrial office area.

At work, it is proven that labor productivity is closely linked to internal microclimatic issues, and the more thermal stress there is in a room, the individual objectives can be reduced, from person to person. It is not good that only in the offices of the bosses or managers, there is a good atmosphere indoors, but the important thing is that it permeates the entire complex, as general as possible.
If the air conditioning does not work, then it is time to turn to other alternative systems, which, in medium and small spaces, maybe a better option, to maintain temperature levels, regardless of the weather outdoors. In that sense, the efficiency of the humidifier can also be guaranteed concerning a fan or the same conventional air conditioner, since it has been proven that said mechanism is capable of reducing the thermal sensation by a few degrees, and maintaining it throughout the day, due to moisturizing dew.
The same goes for industrial or homemade desiccants, whose function is to maintain humidity levels at an adequate percentage, to avoid excessive humidification, which, over long periods, can generate microorganisms and trigger respiratory diseases in chronic patients. Ultimately, it’s all about maintaining a healthy microclimate, with temperature and humidity in perfect balance, for the benefit of people who spend a lot of time indoors.

Humidifiers, desiccants, and plants to generate the ideal climatic environment in homes and offices
To absorb moisture, the famous Myrtle (Myrtus). A plant is not only capable of promoting a thermal balance in a closed place, but even with the possibility of purifying it, by killing all those bacteria, due to the phytoncides emitted by this type of vegetation. The bayberry is synonymous with energetic renewal, being an ideal companion in any room or cubicle. On the other hand, if the air needs to be humidified, as a good humidifier would, then perhaps the most popular of all indoor plants for air purification, the Ficus, is worth mentioning. This type of vegetation humidifies the air efficiently, neutralizing toxins that are normally harmful to anyone. You just have to take into consideration the dimensions that these plants usually reach, making them perfect for large spaces, such as meeting rooms and the same living room of a residence.
The laurel, a symbol of victory, and a fundamental plant for herbivorous dinosaurs of ancient times continue to permeate to this day, as a moisture-absorbing option par excellence, helping in the need to recreate ideal internal microclimates. The same happens with Citrus limon, whose function is to absorb excess moisture

and, in the process, give a citrusy and satisfying aroma, and even with the ability to be sterilized in any environment.
For balance, they can be added to Cissus and Kalanchoe. The first is extremely useful for systematically humidifying a closed environment, while the second is a type of exotic vegetation native to Madagascar, with the function of accumulating moisture in its leaves, for ideal climate regulation.
All these strategically located plants will be able to promote a breathable environment, without forgetting the benefits and all the benefits that they also provide, the humidifier and the industrial or portable desiccant.